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Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 6 months ago

This Wiki is under construction and incomplete and things are subject to change. If you have any suggestions about what we should add to the wiki, feel free to submit them in the suggestions area.

Minecraft version 1.20.3 to 1.20.4:  Some servers are Java only while some of the upcoming servers will support both Java and Bedrock.

We are a gaming community welcoming everyone. We use our discord as a central place for our company and community.  We hope you enjoy your stay and make it a long one.

We have an extensive wiki to help you with your progression on our servers as we understand new unfamiliar servers can be daunting at times. 

This wiki is arranged by server so take note of which server you are playing on and use that section of the wiki.

NOTE: From server to server mechanics might not be the same. Treat each server as if it is its own server.  Our network is Minecraft version 1.20.3 to 1.20.4, some servers are Java only while some of the upcoming ones will be both Java and Bedrock.

Our goal as a MC network is to bring old games into the light again with a new fresh take whilst also adding fresh new games that may have not been seen before. We would like to avoid P2W as much as possible so all our donation packages are earnable in-game through "mirror" ranks and have completely identical permissions to their paid counterparts. Donators will get exclusive early access to games for beta testing but also gain access to Donator only cosmetics.

Last edited by MissGamerz · 8 months ago

Please Note: 
VIP & Legend are mirror ranks of each other
MVP & Titan are mirror ranks of each other

Mirror ranks have the same game altering permissions as each other just the way you obtain them is different (one is earnable in game and one is buyable) 

 Member VIP Legend MVP Titan Media


25,000 Points




50,000 Points




 twitch: 1000 followers + 100 subs

YouTube: 1500 subscribers





Supports the Server







Flying in the Lobby







Speed in the Lobby







Jump Boost in the Lobby







Vanish in the Lobby







Stacker in Lobbies







Message Cooldown







Filter Bypass







Last edited by MissGamerz · 8 months ago

What is <server name>?

We are a Minecraft server where people can join and have lots of fun playing our unique gamemodes!

How can I get in contact?

You can fill in a website contact form or join our Discord server.

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

GamerCraft (beta)

Java Only

This server offers new kinds of challenges for experienced players including leveling mobs, magic, specialized crafting and more.  Experience Minecraft like back when you were new to the game, where everything is scary, and everything can kill you.

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago


Craft powerful magic wands, swords and more bringing a fun experience to GamerCraft with up to 200 spells.  Casting spells earns you Spell Points (SP) which you can spend through your enchanting table to add offensive, defensive, and quality of life spells.


Players can craft magic items with easily obtainable vanilla items in-game such as diamonds, emeralds, amethyst shards, sticks, lapis, etc.

Magic Wand

Magic Wands are the most commonly used Magic item and very easy to craft in the vanilla crafting table.  Players start out with one offensive spell.  The more you cast spells, the more you level up each individual spell and you earn Spell Points to spend on more spells. 

Magic Wand in Hand

  • Example: Recall - One of the most useful spells is Recall which enables the player to return to their home bed at the Beginner wand level, and Recall to your last death point at the Student level.  As the Wand levels up, you can add more locations to your Recall spell. 

Magic Wand Recall

How to Craft a Magic Wand

Legend: (see image)
a=amethyst shard, d=diamond, s=stick, e=emerald, x=empty slot

Magic Wand Crafting

Magic Wand Instructions

Magic Wand Instructions

Learn Spells

Learn Spells by right-clicking your Wand (or other Magic item) on an Enchanting Table.

Magic Wand Learn Spells

Right clicking your Wand (or other Magic item) on an Enchanting Table brings up a new GUI where you can learn new Spells, check Spell progress, and more.

Magic Wand Progression

Magic Sword

Magic Swords function as a hybrid between a Wand and a sword giving you access to some of the Spells and putting a sword in your hand at the same time so players do not have to switch back and forth between a sword and wand. Only some of the spells are available on the Magic Sword.

Magic Sword In Hand

How to Craft a Magic Sword

Legend:  (see image)
a=amethyst_shard, s=stick, x=empty

Magic Sword Crafting

Magic Bow

Magic Bows function as a hybrid between a Wand and a bow giving you access to the arrow Spells and putting a bow in your hand at the same time so players do not have to switch back and forth between a bow and wand. Only the arrow spells are available on the Magic Bow.

Magic Bow in Hand

How to Craft a Magic Bow

Legend: (see Image)
a=amethyst_shard, b=vanilla bow, x=empty

Magic Bow Crafing

Magic Bow Instructions

Magic Bow Instructions

Mana Talisman

Mana Talismans boost a player's Mana, Mana Regeneration, and Spell Points earned.  Keep it in your off hand while using your Magic items to activate these boosts.

Mana Talisman in Hand

How to Craft a Magic Talisman

Legend:  (see image)
n=nether_quartz, a=amethyst_shard, x=empty

Mana Talisman Crafting

Mana Talisman Boosts

Mana Talisman Boosts

Magic Hat

Mana Hat boosts a player's Mana, Mana Regeneration, and Spell Points earned.  Wear it in your head while using your Magic items to activate these boosts.

Magic Hat Worn

How to Craft a Magic Hat

Legend:  (see image)
b=blue_wool, a=amethyst _shard, e=end_rod, x=empty

Magic Hat Crafting

Magic Hat Boosts

Magic Hat Boosts


Craft a Broomstick to fly around.  The flight duration is limited at first, but the more you fly, the more the Broomstick levels up increasing that duration.

Broomstick in Flight

How to Craft a Broomstick

Legend: (see image)
a=amethyst shard, w=wheat, s=stick, p=phantom_membrane, x=empty slot

Broomstick Crafting

Broom Upgrades

Broom Booster Upgrade

Craft a Broom Boost Upgrade and drag it onto your Broomstick to increase its speed.  Note:  You can only have one Broom Upgrade enabled at a time on the Broomstick.

Broom Booster Upgrad

How to Craft a Broom Booster Upgrade

Legend: (see image)
g=gunpowder, s=slime_ball, f=fire_charge, x=empty slot

Broom Booster Crafting

Broom Glider

Craft a Broom Glider and drag it onto your Broomstick to maximize how long you stay in the air.

Broom Glider Upgrade

How to Craft a Broom Glider Upgrade

Legend: (see image)
s=slime_ball, e=elytra, x=empty slot

Broom Glider Upgrade Crafting

Night Vision Goggles

Craft Night Vision Goggles to see in the dark without potions or pesky particle effects.  Handy for cave diving and mining.

Night Vision Goggles

Night Vision Goggles Boosts

Player gains Night Vision but loses some Mana Regeneration.

Night Vision Goggles Boosts

How to Craft Night Vision Goggles

Legend: (see image)
a=amethyst _shard, n=nether_brick_fence, x=empty

Night Vision Goggles Crafting

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Claim Chests

Players on GamerCraft can protect their builds by creating and fueling a Claim Chest.  All players can claim up to 50 chunks, and can increase that number either through grinding for VIP or MVP Rank or by purchasing Legend or Titan ranks through our Store.

How to Craft a Claim Chest

  • Place down a normal single chest in the area you wish to protect.
  • Place items inside (see image #1)
    • Legend:  (see image)
    • i=iron_ingot, c=copper_ingot, x=empty
    • xxxicixxx
    • xxxcicxxx
    • xxxicixxx

Claim Chest Crafting

  • Close the chest
  • Type in chat /c claim
  • You should get a message that you have (x) time to make the claim.
  • Open & close the chest and you should see an animation on the ground.
  • This starts your claim on the immediate one (1) chunk that the chest is inside of.
  • Open the chest again and place 'fuel' into it to maintain your claim. Most players use Copper blocks. The timer shown is IRL (In Real Life) time, not game time, so if your timer shows 30d it means your claim has 30 days protection IRL. NOTE: This time will count down and decrease if other players are close enough to keep the area loaded. Players are responsible for the upkeep of their Claim Chest.
  • You can add more chunks by walking to the next chunk and again typing /c claim
  • The more chunks you claim, the more 'fuel' your claim chest will need to maintain the claim.
  • You can see which chunks are claimed by typing /c show
  • To add members to your claim, type /c invite <player name>
  • To dissolve a claim, stand next to the chest and type /c dissolve
  • Open the Chest to see a GUI of options that you can change for your claim. (see image #2) including adding visitor permissions.

Claim Chest Management

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Per Player Loot Chests

Loot Chest contents on the GamerCraft server are generated per player and are unbreakable.

Check every loot chest, even shipwreck chests, uncovered buried treasure chests, dungeon chests, bastion chests, or any chest generated by Minecraft.  Look inside to get your goodies!  Even other members of your party can open the chests immediately and get loot too! 

Loot Chests

Loot Chests

Last edited by MissGamerz · 8 months ago

Last edited by MissGamerz · 8 months ago

ValhallaMMO features 12 skills natively you can level up. Each skill has a skill tree, populated with perks you can unlock to gain specific bonuses.

Use the arrows to navigate the skill tree, and clicking on a skill icon will center that skill and reveal some others sort of like a scroll bar.

Power 💥

Power represents the player's total progression through the plugin.

How to gain EXP
Leveling any skill other than power gives you some power experience.

Special Notes
Leveling up in power is the only way to get Skill Points, which are needed to unlock perks. ((unless your server has implemented alternative methods to get skill points))


Vigor I-II-III
Increases MAX HP by 2-3-5
Requires level 0-30-60

Regenerative I-II-III
Increases Health Regeneration by 10%-15%-25%
Requires level 0-30-60

Hypermetabolism I-II-III
Decreases Hunger Usage by 10%-15%-25%
Requires level 0-30-60

Activity I-II-III
Increases Ability Cooldown Reduction by 10%-15%-25%
Requires level 0-30-60

Natural Toughness I-II-III
Increases Armor by 2-3-5
Requires level 0-30-60

Iron Footing I-II-III
Increases Knockback Resistance by 10%-15%-25%
Requires level 0-30-60

Closing Wounds I-II-III
Increases Bleeding Resistance by 10%-15%-25%
Requires level 0-30-60

Smithing 🛠

Smithing is your proficiency in tool/armor making. The higher quality equipment you make, the better their properties.
These properties can include armor value, durability, damage, attack speed, and projectile velocity. Potentially others if your server has configured it so.

How to gain EXP
Crafting any tool or equipment. The more expensive the material and the more of it spent, the more EXP you get.

Special Notes
Crafting tools with materials far above your level will decrease the experience gained from it, as well as crafting with materials too far below your level.
❗ For each tier apart, EXP is halved. (e.g. at level 40(iron/gold tier), stone and diamond are halved, wood and netherite are quartered)

Equipment gets a grading when it's crafted, which is based on the quality.
Quality is determined by adding your general skill to your proficiency with a certain material.
0-49 = Poor
50-99 = Decent
100-149 = Great
150-199 = Epic
200-249 = Legendary
250-299 = Divine
300+ = Incomprehensible

Item Preview



Click here to reveal perks

Novice Smithing
Increases Tier I crafting quality by 75
Requires level 0

Apprentice Smithing
Increases Tier II crafting quality by 75
Requires level 20

Adept Smithing
Increases Tier III crafting quality by 75
Requires level 40

Expert Smithing
Increases Tier IV crafting quality by 75
Requires level 60

Master Smithing
Increases Tier V crafting quality by 75
Requires level 80

Prismarine Smithing
Increases Prismarine crafting quality by 75, and unlocks Trident recipe
Requires level 50

Enderic Smithing
Increases Enderic crafting quality by 75, and unlocks Elytra and Shulker Shell recipe
Requires level 70

For one time only, increases your next crafted item's quality by 50
Requires level 100

Aspect of Durin
Increases the quality of all your creations by 50
Requires level 100, and all smithing perks unlocked.

Fletcher I-II-III-IV-V
Increases Bow & Crossbow crafting quality by 20-40-60-80-100
Requires level 20-40-60-80-100

Enchanting 🎇

Enchanting is your proficiency in... Enchanting. The higher your skill in enchanting, the higher enchantment levels you are able to achieve and the stronger certain equipment upgrades can get. Eventually your enchantments will break vanilla boundaries.

How to gain EXP
You get experience through enchanting items. EXP is based on the rarity of these enchantments and their level. For example, Thorns III gives far more experience than Sharpness III.

Special Notes
Even level 30 enchantments will have their strength greatly reduced, and so it is not recommended to level enchanting with 3rd level enchantments.
To save on experience, I recommend using 1st level enchantments in the early game.

Enchantment Preview



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Enchanting I-II-III-IV-V
Increases enchanting potency by 20-40-60-80-100
Requires level 0-20-40-60-80

Each rank unlocks various upgrades for items

Upgrade examples>

Essence Extraction I
Increases enchanting potency by 40, and you gain 33% more enchanting experience
Requires level 30

Essence Extraction II
Gain a 25% chance to spend 50% less experience enchanting. Unlocks experience upgrade
Requires level 50

Essence Extraction III
Increases enchanting potency by 60, and you gain 50% more enchanting experience
Requires level 70

Learning I
Increases upgrading potency by 40, and skills level 5% faster
Requires level 30

Learning II
Your enchanting skill levels 25% faster. Unlocks learning upgrade
Requires level 50

Learning III
Increases upgrading potency by 60, and skills level 10% faster
Requires level 70

Your exp refund chance increases to 50%, and you gain a 33% chance to not spend lapis while enchanting.
Additionally, your enchantments are now consistently amplified (80% chance to 100% chance)
Requires level 90

Grand Magus
You gain the ability to apply 2 upgrades to items instead of just 1.
Additionally, your ability to combine enchantments on the anvil increases dramatically.
Requires level 100

Your next upgrade is 50 points stronger
Requires level 100

Alchemy ⚗

Alchemy is your proficiency in potion brewing. The higher your skill in alchemy, the more powerful your potions are able to get. Using alchemy you can brew potions much stronger than what you can attain in vanilla, as well as completely new potion effects.

How to gain EXP
You get experience through potion brewing. You gain experience for every potion you brew, based on how rare the ingredient is. For example, using a ghast tear rewards much more exp than rotten flesh.

Special Notes
If you're committed to leveling alchemy you're bound to brew a lot of potions you don't need. You can quickly empty bottles if you click with them on a cauldron.

Potions get a grading when it's brewed, which is based on the quality.
Quality is determined by adding your general skill to your proficiency with either beneficial potions or poisons.
0-49 = Rancid
50-99 = Tainted
100-149 = Dirty
150-199 = Cloudy
200-249 = Clear
250-299 = Refined
300+ = Pure

Potion Preview



Click here to reveal perks

Alchemy I-II-III-IV-V
Increases alchemy potency by 20-40-60-80-100
Requires level 0-20-40-60-80

Each rank unlocks various new potion recipes, rank V comes with an additional 30% bonus to brewing speed.

Beginner Medicationcraft
Beneficial potions are 20 points stronger. Unlocks potions of regeneration and instant health
Requires level 30

Efficient Alchemist
Brewing is 30% faster. Unlocks potions of Saturation, Strength, Fortify Armor, and Fortify Healing
Requires level 50

Great Power
Beneficial potions are 30 points stronger. Unlocks all fortify-type potions
Requires level 70

Beginner Poisoncraft
Poisons are 20 points stronger. Unlocks potions of Mining Fatigue and Strong Arm
Requires level 30

You throw potions 50% further. Unlocks potions of Withering and Blindness
Requires level 50

Double toil and trouble
Poisons are 30 points stronger. You gain a 33% chance to not consume a brewing ingredient, a 20% chance to not consume thrown/drunk potions. Unlocks potion of Fragility and Curse.
Requires level 70

The Secrets of Transmutation
Unlocks the ability to brew Alchemic Precursor, a special type of potion capable of transmuting materials to other materials.
Requires level 90

Magnum Opus
Your alchemic precursor gains the ability to transmute copper to iron, iron to gold, and emerald to diamond. Also unlocks Enchanted Golden Apple recipe and Potion of Ambrosia
Requires level 100

Ascended Alchemy
Your potions are 50 points stronger and you brew them 40% faster. Unlocks Potion of War
Requires level 100 and all perks unlocked

Mining ⛏

Mining is your proficiency in resource gathering from rock and ores. The higher your skill in mining, the more resources you'll be able to extract from them. Mining also offers buffs to blast mining, making them a far more useful and beneficial method of resource gathering.

How to gain EXP
You get experience through mining. The more rare or difficult to mine a block is, the more EXP is grants.

Special Notes
At level 50 you unlock an active ability called "Overdrive". When activated (which is done by sneak-left-clicking while holding a pickaxe) you can instantly mine any block breakable with a pickaxe, at the cost of hunger or health if you run out of hunger. Certain blocks, like obsidian, will consume hunger faster.


Click here to reveal perks

Mining I-II-III-IV-V
I: +50% increased experience from ores, 50% rare drop rate
II: 5% chance for 1 experience per block mined, 100% rare drop rate
III: +20% more drops from mining, 150% rare drop rate
IV: 10% chance for 1 experience per block mined, 200% rare drop rate, +100% experience from ores
V: 20% chance for 1 experience per block mined, +30% more drops from mining, 300% rare drop rate Requires level 0-20-40-60-80

Vein Mining I
Sneak-mining an ore vein quickly breaks the entire vein, up to 64 blocks at once
Requires level 40

Lesser Endurance
Your Overdrive ability cooldown is reduced from 60 seconds to 45 seconds, and drains you 33% less.
Requires level 60

Greater Endurance
Your Overdrive ability cooldown is reduced from 45 seconds to 30 seconds, and drains you 50% less.
Requires level 80

Vein Miner II
Your vein miner ability now also works on granite, andesite, diorite, calcite, and blackstone
Requires level 100

Blast Mining
TNT is 50% more powerful, and you take 50% less damage from it
Requires level 30

Explosion Expert
You unlock a recipe allowing you to craft 3 TNT at the cost of 1 extra gunpowder
Requires level 50

Blast Efficiency I
Blast mining grants you 20% increased drops, as well as a 100% rare drop rate
Requires level 30

Blast Efficiency II
Blast mining grants you 30% increased drops, as well as 300% rare drop rate
Requires level 50

Aspect of Shiva
TNT is twice as powerful, you are completely immune to its damage, and you may choose between Silk Touch or Fortune III to influence your explosions
Requires level 70

Landscaping 🪓

Landscaping is your proficiency in terraforming and woodcutting. The higher your skill in landscaping, the more resources you'll be able to extract from the ground and forests. Landscaping also offers abilities to make building a bit less tedious and means to cut down entire trees at once. But landscaping is admittedly the most tame skill.

How to gain EXP
You get experience through woodcutting and digging.


Click here to reveal perks

Forester I-II-III
I: 5% chance for 1 experience per log broken, 50% rare drop rate
II: 10% chance for 1 experience per log broken, 150% rare drop rate
III: 20% chance for 1 experience per log broken, 300% rare drop rate
Requires level 0-40-80

Digging I-II-III
I: 5% chance for 1 experience per block dug, 50% rare drop rate
II: 10% chance for 1 experience per block dug, 150% rare drop rate
III: 20% chance for 1 experience per block dug, 300% rare drop rate
Requires level 0-40-80

Felling I
Cutting oak trees while sneaking now breaks the entire tree. Planted saplings grow slightly faster
Requires level 20

Felling II
Felling now also works on birch and acacia trees. Planted saplings grow even faster
Requires level 40

Felling III
Felling now also works on dark oak trees, and its cooldown is reduced to 5 seconds. Planted saplings grow even faster
Requires level 60

Sustainable Woodcutting
Broken trees immediately replant their saplings, felling now also works on jungle and spruce trees.
Requires level 80

Exotic Wood
Felling now works on all the nether-wood types, and its cooldown is removed. Planted saplings grow even faster.
Requires level 100

Green Touch
Grants the ability to convert stone-type blocks to their mossy variant and dirt to grass
Requires level 20

Fracturing Touch
Grants the ability to damage stone-type blocks, e.g. stone bricks to cracked stone bricks, stone to cobblestone, cobblestone to gravel.
Requires level 40

Blazing Touch
Grants the ability to melt certain blocks, such as sand to glass or clay to terracotta.
Requires level 60

Honestly, I don't have many ideas on what to do with this skill. If you have any ideas let me know lol

Farming 🌾

Farming is your proficiency in... farming. The higher your skill in farming, the more food you'll be able to extract from crops and the more valuables you can find while fishing. Farming also incentivizes flower cultivation as flowers now drop rare and useful potion ingredients.

How to gain EXP
You get experience through farming, fishing, and breeding animals.

Special Notes
Fishing loot can be improved further with the Luck buff, Luck of the Sea enchantment, and using certain potions and equipment upgrades.


Click here to reveal perks

Grants a 10% chance for 1 experience per crop harvested
Requires level 0

Grants a 25% chance for crops to immediately grow 1 stage when planted. Vegetarian food feeds 30% more.
Requires level 20

Grants a 100% rare drop multiplier, and a 20% chance for 1 experience per crop harvested
Requires level 40

Green Thumb
Right clicking a crop instantly harvests and replants the crop, and crops have a 75% chance to immediately grow a stage. Additionally, vegetarian food feeds 40% more.
Requires level 60

Exotic Botanist
Grants a 300% rare drop multiplier, a 30% chance for 1 experience per crop harvested, and crops always grow at least 1 stage when planted as well as a 25% chance to grow a second stage.
Requires level 60

Aspect of Demeter
Grants the Ultra Harvest ability, which allows you to harvest up to 128 crops instantly if harvesting a crop while sneaking
Requires level 100

Masterful Botany
Chance for crops to immediately grow a second stage is increased to 75%, increases crop drop rate to 2.5x, and grants a 40% chance to drop 1 experience per crop harvested.
Requires level 100

Amateur Husbandry
You gain 30% more experience from animal breeding, meats feed you 30% more, and animals grow up 10% faster
Requires level 20

Butcher Skills
Grants 50% increased drops from animals, and you deal double damage against them.
Requires level 40

Experienced Husbandry
You gain double experience from animal breeding, meats feed you 40% more, and animals grow up twice as fast.
Requires level 60

Bees will never be aggressive towards you, and hives have a 50% chance to be harvested again
Requires level 40

Hobby Fisherman
You gain 30% more experience from catching fish, fish feeds you 30% more, and you catch fish 10% faster.
Requires level 20

Improved Bait
Your catches improve in quality by 0.5, and you catch fish 20% faster.
Requires level 40

Magnetic Hook
Your catches improve in quality by 1.5, fish feeds you 40% more, and you catch fish 30% faster.
Requires level 60

Enchanted Bait
Your catches improve in quality by 2.5 and you catch fish twice as fast.
Requires level 80

Light Weapons ⚔

Light Weapons is your proficiency in fighting using light weaponry. The higher your skill in light weapons, the more damage you'll deal with them. Light weapons are the most defensive weapon class among light and heavy weapons, benefit from high attack speed, but suffer in terms of damage especially against armored targets.

How to gain EXP
You get experience by dealing damage to enemies. Experience is based on the damage you deal, not the amount of times you hit them.

Special Notes
"Critical strikes" are different from vanilla critical strikes. Vanilla critical strikes which are done by falling while attacking are now referred to as "Power attacks", which still do the usual 1.5x damage. Valhalla's critical strikes occur separately from this, which apply an additional damage multiplier.


Click here to reveal perks

Light Weapons I-II-III-IV-V
I: Grants a 10% critical strike chance and 10% increased attack speed.
II: Critical hits now inflict bleeding, dealing dealing 1 heart of damage every 2 seconds, 3 times.
III: Unlocks the Parry ability. Right-clicking with a light weapon in guards you for 0.33 seconds. If you are melee attacked during this time, you stun and weaken the enemy and your damage taken is halve. If you get hit briefly after the guard ends, you get weakened instead.
IV: Grants a 20% critical strike chance, and bleeding lasts 2 ticks longer.
V: Parry now fully blocks damage, guards you for 0.5 seconds, and has its cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 2 seconds. Requires level 0-20-40-60-80

Swift Strikes
Grants a 10% increase in attack speed and enemies hit are immune for 10% less time.
Requires level 20

Toxic Blade
Drinking poisons now coats your last weapon used in said poison. Enemies hit are inflicted with the debuff for 50% of the strength and 25% of the duration, up to 3 hits.
Requires level 40

Weak Spot
Critical strikes deal 20% more damage, and you gain 5 points of light armor penetration.
Requires level 60

Your gain 10% more attack speed, enemies are immune for 10% less time, and you gain 15% extra knockback.
Requires level 80

Poison-coated weapons now last for 10 hits, and the duration applies for twice as long.
Requires level 100

Light Weapons Arsenal I
Unlocks Daggers for crafting. Daggers benefit from increased critical strike chance and high attack speed, but reduced reach and no knockback.
Requires level 40

Light Weapons Arsenal II
Unlocks Maces for crafting. Maces benefit from increased knockback and stun chance, but reduced crit chance and slower attack speed.
Requires level 80

Heavy Weapons ⚒

Heavy Weapons is your proficiency in fighting using heavy weaponry. The higher your skill in heavy weapons, the more damage you'll deal with them. Heavy weapons are the most offensive weapon class among light and heavy weapons, benefit from high damage and knockback, but suffer in terms of attack speed.

How to gain EXP
You get experience by dealing damage to enemies. Experience is based on the damage you deal, not the amount of times you hit them.

Special Notes
"Critical strikes" are different from vanilla critical strikes. Vanilla critical strikes which are done by falling while attacking are now referred to as "Power attacks", which still do the usual 1.5x damage. Valhalla's critical strikes occur separately from this, which apply an additional damage multiplier.


Click here to reveal perks

Heavy Weapons I-II-III-IV-V
I: Grants a 10% critical strike chance and 10% increased knockback.
II: Critical hits now inflict bleeding, dealing dealing 1 heart of damage every 2 seconds, 3 times.
III: Unlocks the Crushing Blow ability. Power-attacking with heavy weapons damages all enemies in a 1.5 block radius with 50% of the damage dealt.
IV: Grants a 20% critical strike chance, and bleeding lasts 2 ticks longer.
V: Crushing Blow now does 100% of the damage dealt in a 2-block radius. Requires level 0-20-40-60-80

Heavy Strikes
Grants a 10% increase in damage and 10% light armor penetration.
Requires level 20

Drinking poisons now coats your last weapon used in said poison. Enemies hit are inflicted with the debuff for 100% of the strength and 10% of the duration, up to 2 hits.
Requires level 40

Critical strikes do 20% more damage, and you gain 10% armor penetration.
Requires level 60

Your gain 10% more attack damage, 10% stun chance, and 10% armor penetration.
Requires level 80

Chemical Warfare
Poison-coated weapons now last for 5 hits, and the duration applies for twice as long.
Requires level 100

Heavy Weapons Arsenal I
Unlocks Warhammers for crafting. Warhammers benefit from increased stun chance and armor penetration, but reduced damage and crit chance.
Requires level 40

Heavy Weapons Arsenal II
Unlocks Spears for crafting. Spears benefit from increased reach and armor penetration, as well as dealing increased damage based on your velocity, but suffer from far slower attack speed.
Requires level 80

Archery 🏹

Archery is your proficiency in ranged combat. The higher your skill in archery, the more damage you'll deal with bows and crossbows and the more accurate you can shoot. Archery is one of the hardest classes to get started in due to decreased accuracy, but offer some of the highest damage numbers once leveled.

How to gain EXP
You get experience for every shot you hit, which further increases based on the damage you dealt with that shot AND the distance between you and the target.

Special Notes
Damage is further influenced by your distance from the target, so short-ranged shorts do much less damage than long-ranged sniper shots. The Infinity enchantment is nerfed, making it so you deal 30% less damage with normal arrows. Custom arrows are not preserved with infinity, but it does provide an increased chance to not consume ammo. Ammo preserved using the "decreased ammo consumption" stat cannot be picked up again.


Click here to reveal perks

Archery I-II-III-IV-V
I: Grants 1.5 points more accuracy, significantly improving your aim.
II: Grants a 10% chance to not consume ammo, and arrows deal 5% more damage for every 10 blocks they travel.
III: Grants 1.5 points more accuracy, and your arrows deal 10% more damage.
IV: The damage penalty from infinity-shot arrows is halved, and you gain a 20% chance to not consume ammo.
V: Arrows deal 20% more damage, as well as an extra 5% damage for every 10 blocks they travel. Requires level 0-20-40-60-80

Primitive Fletching
Unlocks Stone Arrows recipe.
Requires level 20

Medieval Arrows
Unlocks Copper Arrows and Gold Arrows recipe.
Requires level 40

Modern Arrows
Unlocks Iron Arrows and Carbon Arrows recipe.
Requires level 60

Mystic Arrows
Unlocks Diamond Arrows and Enderic Arrows recipe.
Requires level 80

Unholy Arrows
Unlocks a range of powerful, deadly arrows:
> Incendiary Arrows. Lights the hit target, as well as a surrounding area, on fire.
> Explosive Arrows. Creates an explosion on landing. Arrow cannot be recovered.
> Lightning Arrows. Summons a lightning strike on landing if it rains.
> Netherite Arrows. 5 base damage, 5 piercing.
> Unholy Arrows. 3 base damage, 1 piercing, voids immunity frames. Requires level 100

Shadow Archer
Shooting an enemy that's looking away guarantees a critical hit, dealing 130% damage. This also briefly stuns the target.
Requires level 60

Deadly Shot
Critical hits deal double damage, and stun the enemy for 3x longer.
Requires level 80

Charged Shot I
Unlocks the Charged Shot ability. Shift-right-clicking while holding a bow grants you 3 charges of charged shot. Each following shot gains 30% speed, having improved knockback and piercing 1 target. Has a 30 second cooldown
Requires level 60

Charged Shot II
Charged Shot gains 2 more charges and each shot flies at maximum speed regardless of how far drawn back your bow is. Its cooldown is reduced to 20 seconds and pierces 1 additional target.
Requires level 80

Light Armor 🔹

Light Armor represents how well you are able to protect yourself using less protective, but lighter armor. Light Armor doesn't slow you down as much as Heavy Armor and is better for the player that prefers staying mobile and being able to get away from situations easier, but is less effective against damage protection.

How to gain EXP
You gain EXP for every point of damage you take. This is before mitigations, so having an increased armor value does not decrease EXP. You gain additional EXP for every second you're in combat, and this exp is granted when leaving combat. All this experience is multiplied by the amount of pieces of light armor you're wearing.

Special Notes
By default, light armor slows you down for 3.75% per piece, or 15% with a full set. This movement speed penalty can be reduced, or removed entirely, through perk investment. Light armor does not provide any additional protections beyond armor value.


Click here to reveal perks

Adrenaline I-II-III-IV-V
I: Unlocks the Adrenaline passive ability. When your health reaches 20% or below, you gain a temporary Speed and Jump Boost buff. 20 minute cooldown.
II: Adrenaline now also gives you Regeneration, and the cooldown is reduced to 16 minutes
III: Adrenaline now grants you Speed II and Jump Boost II, and the cooldown is reduced to 12 minutes
IV: Adrenaline now grants you Regeneration II, and the cooldown is reduced to 8 minutes
V: Adrenaline now grants you Speed III and Jump Boost III, and the cooldown is reduced to 4 minutes. Additionally, Adrenaline now activates when your health reaches below 30% HP
Requires level 0-20-40-60-80

Comfortable Fit
While wearing a full set of light armor, you lose hunger 20% slower
Requires level 20

Spatial Awareness
While wearing a full set of light armor, you gain a 10% dodge chance. Whenever you dodge, you avoid an attack completely.
Requires level 40

You now only need to wear 3 pieces of light armor to benefit from Set Bonusses
Requires level 60

Light armor weighs significantly less, and slows you down half as much
Requires level 20

Custom Fit
Light armor becomes 20% more protective if you're wearing a full set of it
Requires level 40

Light armor no longer slows you down
Requires level 60

While wearing a full set of light armor, you become immune against Withering and Poisoning
Requires level 80

Coat of Warding
Light armor now provides you with 10% magic damage resistance per piece. Additionally, you become immune against Mining Fatigue
Requires level 100

Heavy Armor 🔶

Heavy Armor represents how well you are able to protect yourself using highly protective, but heavier armor. Heavy Armor significantly slows you down but is much better for the player that prefers staying in battle and dealing as much damage as they can, but will put you at a disadvantage should you ever need to retreat.

How to gain EXP
You gain EXP for every point of damage you take. This is before mitigations, so having an increased armor value does not decrease EXP. You gain additional EXP for every second you're in combat, and this exp is granted when leaving combat. All this experience is multiplied by the amount of pieces of heavy armor you're wearing.

Special Notes
By default, heavy armor slows you down for 7.5% per piece, or 30% with a full set. This movement speed penalty can be reduced through perk investment. Heavy armor provides an additional 5% projectile damage reduction, 2.5% melee damage reduction, 5% knockback reduction and 5% bleeding damage reduction for every piece of heavy armor worn.


Click here to reveal perks

I: Unlocks the Rage passive ability. When your health reaches 20% or below, you gain a temporary Strength and Haste buff. 20 minute cooldown.
II: Rage now also gives you Absorption, and the cooldown is reduced to 16 minutes
III: Rage now grants you Strength II and Haste II, and the cooldown is reduced to 12 minutes
IV: Rage now grants you Absorption II, and the cooldown is reduced to 8 minutes
V: Rage now grants you Strength III and Haste III, and the cooldown is reduced to 4 minutes. Additionally, Rage now activates when your health reaches below 30% HP
Requires level 0-20-40-60-80

While wearing a full set of heavy armor, your healing is amplified by 10%
Requires level 20

Knight in Shining Armor
While wearing a full set of heavy armor, you gain a 10% chance to reflect 30% of the damage dealt. This damage is considered magic damage.
Requires level 40

You now only need to wear 3 pieces of heavy armor to benefit from Set Bonusses
Requires level 60

Heavy armor weighs significantly less, and slows you down 2/3rds as much
Requires level 20

Heavy armor becomes 20% more protective if you're wearing a full set of it
Requires level 40

Heavy armor slows you down 1/3rds as much
Requires level 60

While wearing a full set of heavy armor, you become immune against Slowness and Weakness
Requires level 80

Extreme Insulation
Heavy armor now provides you with 7.5% magic and fire damage resistance per piece. Additionally, you become immune against Nausea and Blindness
Requires level 100


Skills & Leveling 🔺 · Athlaeos/ValhallaMMO_open Wiki · GitHub

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Tips 📝

First off, you pretty much always want to start unlocking your Novice Smithing perk, as this makes your wooden tools significantly better.


You can even, if you want to, craft some leather armor which significantly increases your survive-ability in case you struggle with that.

Use /skills and navigate to the Smithing tab, there, unlock Novice Smithing. 

When you just start a game it is not recommended to dive into a cave right away for mining, as your only real available tools will be made of wood and stone. Iron and above will not be of sufficient quality to get decent use out of.

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If you want to focus on good gear right away, collect a stack or two of wooden logs and a couple stacks of cobblestone. Using these, craft wooden pickaxes until you reach level 20, unlock Apprentice Smithing, and then stone pickaxes until you reach level 40. In /skills you can now unlock Adept Smithing, and once you've done this your iron and gold equipment will be of significantly higher quality.

Don't forget to temper your tools! Once you've done that it is much safer to explore cave systems.

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Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

You may have noticed many regular recipes no longer work, and the ones that do are a bit weaker. This is because they now require a little bit more work to be made.

Crafting Tiers 🥇🥈🥉

❗ Each "tier" of materials has an intended smithing level of usage.

> Before this level, tools made of these materials will be worse than vanilla.
> After this level, they will be better than vanilla.
IF you invest a skill point in its respective tier, in the /skills menu.
The further under this level you are, the worse items will be!

I) Wood/Leather: level 0
II) Stone/Chainmail: level 20
III) Gold/Iron: level 40
IV) Diamond: level 60
V) Netherite: level 80

Custom Recipes 🛠

Wood, leather, and stone use the same recipes as in vanilla.

You now have access to new recipes for chainmail armor
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❗ Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Netherite now requires a slight change to ingredients

Gold and Iron need to be heated on a campfire, or in a furnace/blast furnace first.
Metals become more malleable as they're heated up, allowing them to be forged in more useful items.
image image image

Diamond needs to be made unstable first, as its usual stable crystalline structure makes it impossible to form.

image image

Likewise, Netherite being a metal also needs to be heated. However, Netherite needs much more heat to be forge-able, and a soul-campfire or blast furnace can accomplish this.

image image

Upgrading Items ⚔

You might notice your items are, despite being of pretty good quality, are still pretty mediocre. This is because you've not finished them yet.

All metallic, diamond, and stone items can be heated up and then cooled down. This tempers the item and greatly improves durability.
The higher the item's quality, the greater the effect of these upgrades.
Cooling is done by throwing the item into a water-filled cauldron

Wooden and leather items (including bows and fishing rods) can be made more durable by waxing the wood using melted wax.
To craft this, take honeycomb and put it in a furnace (or similar) and combine the melted wax with your item of choice.
image image
Most upgrades are done in a similar fashion, where you combine your item with another one to improve it some more.
Armors when you just craft them are sort of crude and don't fit your body well, so you can fit them by adding extra material like so.
This will improve the armor and toughness value.
Forged weapons aren't very sharp when you just made them, and so you can combine them with a sharpening stone to sharpen them.
image image
After they've been sharpened, you can polish them to get them as sharp as possible.
image image
The handle is still pretty crude, so to make it feel better you can bind it in leather. This will improve attack speed.
You can reinforce the bowstring on bows and crossbows to make arrows shot from them faster

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Landscaping 🪓


Landscaping is your proficiency in terraforming and woodcutting. The higher your skill in landscaping, the more resources you'll be able to extract from the ground and forests. Landscaping also offers abilities to make building a bit less tedious and means to cut down entire trees at once. But landscaping is admittedly the most tame skill.


How to gain EXP

You get experience through woodcutting and digging.


Forester I-II-III

I: 5% chance for 1 experience per log broken, 50% rare drop rate

II: 10% chance for 1 experience per log broken, 150% rare drop rate

III: 20% chance for 1 experience per log broken, 300% rare drop rate

Requires level 0-40-80

Digging I-II-III

I: 5% chance for 1 experience per block dug, 50% rare drop rate

II: 10% chance for 1 experience per block dug, 150% rare drop rate

III: 20% chance for 1 experience per block dug, 300% rare drop rate

Requires level 0-40-80

Felling I

Cutting oak trees while sneaking now breaks the entire tree. Planted saplings grow slightly faster

Requires level 20

Felling II

Felling now also works on birch and acacia trees. Planted saplings grow even faster

Requires level 40

Felling III

Felling now also works on dark oak trees, and its cooldown is reduced to 5 seconds. Planted saplings grow even faster

Requires level 60

Sustainable Woodcutting

Broken trees immediately replant their saplings, felling now also works on jungle and spruce trees.

Requires level 80

Exotic Wood

Felling now works on all the nether-wood types, and its cooldown is removed. Planted saplings grow even faster.

Requires level 100

Green Touch

Grants the ability to convert stone-type blocks to their mossy variant and dirt to grass

Requires level 20

Fracturing Touch

Grants the ability to damage stone-type blocks, e.g. stone bricks to cracked stone bricks, stone to cobblestone, cobblestone to gravel.

Requires level 40

Blazing Touch

Grants the ability to melt certain blocks, such as sand to glass or clay to terracotta.

Requires level 60

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Farming 🌾


Farming is your proficiency in... farming. The higher your skill in farming, the more food you'll be able to extract from crops and the more valuables you can find while fishing. Farming also incentivizes flower cultivation as flowers now drop rare and useful potion ingredients.


How to gain EXP

You get experience through farming, fishing, and breeding animals.

Special Notes

Fishing loot can be improved further with the Luck buff, Luck of the Sea enchantment, and using certain potions and equipment upgrades.



Grants a 10% chance for 1 experience per crop harvested

Requires level 0


Grants a 25% chance for crops to immediately grow 1 stage when planted. Vegetarian food feeds 30% more.

Requires level 20


Grants a 100% rare drop multiplier, and a 20% chance for 1 experience per crop harvested

Requires level 40

Green Thumb

Right clicking a crop instantly harvests and replants the crop, and crops have a 75% chance to immediately grow a stage. Additionally, vegetarian food feeds 40% more.

Requires level 60

Exotic Botanist

Grants a 300% rare drop multiplier, a 30% chance for 1 experience per crop harvested, and crops always grow at least 1 stage when planted as well as a 25% chance to grow a second stage.

Requires level 60

Aspect of Demeter

Grants the Ultra Harvest ability, which allows you to harvest up to 128 crops instantly if harvesting a crop while sneaking

Requires level 100

Masterful Botany

Chance for crops to immediately grow a second stage is increased to 75%, increases crop drop rate to 2.5x, and grants a 40% chance to drop 1 experience per crop harvested.

Requires level 100

Amateur Husbandry

You gain 30% more experience from animal breeding, meats feed you 30% more, and animals grow up 10% faster

Requires level 20

Butcher Skills

Grants 50% increased drops from animals, and you deal double damage against them.

Requires level 40

Experienced Husbandry

You gain double experience from animal breeding, meats feed you 40% more, and animals grow up twice as fast.

Requires level 60


Bees will never be aggressive towards you, and hives have a 50% chance to be harvested again

Requires level 40


Hobby Fisherman

You gain 30% more experience from catching fish, fish feeds you 30% more, and you catch fish 10% faster.

Requires level 20


Improved Bait

Your catches improve in quality by 0.5, and you catch fish 20% faster.

Requires level 40


Magnetic Hook

Your catches improve in quality by 1.5, fish feeds you 40% more, and you catch fish 30% faster.

Requires level 60


Enchanted Bait

Your catches improve in quality by 2.5 and you catch fish twice as fast.

Requires level 80

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Enchanting 🎇

Enchanting works mostly the same as in vanilla, except you may see your enchantments are significantly weaker than before.


NOTE Unlike Alchemy, there are no limitations in which enchantments you can and can't get. There are certain item upgrades related to enchanting, though, which do need to be unlocked.

Why are my enchantments so weak?

Quite simple, you haven't leveled Enchanting enough yet.


Your skill in enchanting determines how many levels are added or removed from your enchantments. This also affects the anvil, as you won't be able to combine enchantments to get higher levels either.


This means that at the start, your enchantments will look something like this:




But as you level up enchanting, they may look closer to this:



You may further amplify your enchanting skill using potions, Alchemy features a new potion recipe that boosts your enchanting skill further.


Enchanting EXP is determined by the enchantments you get, how rare they are, and their levels. Rare enchantments will grant far more experience than common ones.

I) Wood/Leather: level 0
II) Stone/Chainmail: level 20
III) Gold/Iron: level 40
IV) Diamond: level 60
V) Netherite: level 80

Enchanting EXP is determined by the enchantments you get, how rare they are, and their levels. Rare enchantments will grant far more experience than common ones.


If you're looking to level up cheaply, I suggest not going for the 3rd rank enchantments in the enchantment table. Especially in early game you would be spending a lot of enchanting experience for not a lot of gain. The 1st and 2nd rank are much more worth to use in terms of leveling.


Items that can possess a lot of enchantments are best for leveling enchanting, items such as gold boots or gold swords are more likely to get more, and stronger enchantments and thus more exp.


Upgrades are different from regular enchantments in that they can't be combined with eachother to make them stronger, they can't be removed with a grindstone, and they're instead obtained through crafting recipes. However, they do benefit from the enchanting skill and grant some experience when crafted. These upgrades are unlocked as you progress through enchanting.


Upgrades become stronger as you progress through enchanting, these results may not apply to you

Upgrade of Curse:

Reduces immunity frames when attacking enemies

For swords only

Upgrade of Reach:

Increases attack reach

For swords and axes

Upgrade of Bleeding:

Increases bleed damage and chance

For axes only

Upgrade of Experience:

Increases enchanting experience gained, at the cost of reduced damage dealt and curse of vanishing

For all armors

Upgrade of Learning:

Increases skill experience gained, at the cost of increased damage taken and curse of vanishing

For all armors

Upgrade of Armor:

Increases armor by a percentage

For all armors

Upgrade of Archery:

Increases ranged damage, accuracy, and chance to not spend ammo

For helmets only

Upgrade of Alchemy:

Increases brewing speed, quality, and chance to save ingredients

For helmets only

Upgrade of Smithing:

Increases Smithing quality, and grants some added fire damage resistance

For chestplates only

Upgrade of Mining:

IIncreases Mining drops, rare drops, and TNT explosion radius

For chestplates only

Upgrade of Farming:

Increases Farming drops, rare drops, and fishing luck

For leggings only  <<Values are off in this picture, fixed by the time this wiki goes live>>

Upgrade of Woodcutting:

Increases Woodcutting drops and rare drops

For leggings only  <<Values are off in this picture, fixed by the time this wiki goes live>>

Upgrade of Digging:

Increases Digging drops and rare drops

For leggings only  <<Values are off in this picture, fixed by the time this wiki goes live>>

Upgrade of Immunity:

Increases Digging drops and rare drops

For boots only 

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Brewing ⚗

Brewing mostly works the same as in vanilla, except a lot of recipes are temporarily locked off to the player and your brewed potions will be a lot weaker at the start. Potions still use an Awkward Potion as base, with the exception of Weakness Potions where this is optional.

Potions and when they are unlockable





Custom Ingredients


Drops from: dandelions, tulips, poppies

Chance: 1% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)


Drops from: dandelions, tulips, poppies

Chance: 1% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)

Ambrosial Nectar

Drops from: blue orchids, alliums, azure bluets, oxeye daisies, cornflowers, lilies of the valley

Chance: 0.2% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)

Pollen Stalks

Drops from: blue orchids, alliums, azure bluets, oxeye daisies, cornflowers, lilies of the valley

Chance: 1% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)

Bustling Fungus

Drops from: brown and red mushrooms

Chance: 1% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)

Withered Filament

Drops from: crimson and warped fungi

Chance: 1% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)

Tutor's Lotus

Drops from: lily pads

Chance: 1% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)


Drops from: hanging roots, potatoes, carrots

Chance: 0.5% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)


Drops from: sugar cane

Chance: 0.5% base (amplified by farming rare drop rate)

Desiccated Bark

Drops from: all log types

Chance: 0.5% base (amplified by woodcutting rare drop rate)

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago


Trinkets are accessories that add buffs to a player's stats.  You access the Trinkets slots by first opening your player inventory and then clicking outside your inventory screen.  


The Base ring, necklace, & bracer/armband adds no buffs to your states.  You must have a base item in order to craft the accessory with the buffs you want.

  • The Base Ring is crafted with 4 gold nuggets
  • The Base Necklace is crafted with 3 string and a gold ingot
  • The Base Bracer/Armband is crafted using 4 gold ingots

Base Ring

Base Necklace

Base Bracer Armband


NOTE: When using the Recipe Book with these recipes, substitute the Gold Nugget with a Base Ring.

Ring of Shattering: Base Ring + Prismarine Shard = Buffs Armor Penetration

Ring of Protection: Base Ring + Netherite Ingot = All damage reduced

Ring of Reach: Base Ring + Eye of Ender = Buffs melee attack reach

Ring of Deflection: Base Ring + Netherite Scrap = Projectile damage reduced

Ring of Obsidian: Base Ring + Obsidian = Fire damage reduced

Ring of Warding: Base Ring + Emerald = Magic damage reduced



NOTE: When using the Recipe Book with these recipes, substitute the Gold Nugget with a Base Necklace.

Magic Quiver: Base Necklace + Spectral Arrow = Archery damage and ammo usage buff

Amulet of the Avenger: Base Necklace + Blaze powder = All damage buff

Amulet of Mania: Base Necklace + Blaze Rod = Severe damage buff, but more damage taken

Amulet of Vitality: Base Necklace + Glistening Melon Slice = Additional max health

Amulet of Adrenaline: Base Necklace + Feather = Movement speed buff

Cross Necklace: Base Necklace + Diamond = Immunity frames buff

Necklace Crafting

Bracers / Armbands

NOTE: When using the Recipe Book with these recipes, substitute the Gold Nugget with a Base Bracer.

Adhesive Bandaid: Base Bracer + White Wool = Bleeding damage reduced

Band of Regeneration: Base Bracer + Ghast tear = Healing buff

Band of Precision: Base Bracer + Flint = Critical chance and critical damage buff

Bezoar: Base Bracer + Cactus green (dye) = Poison damage buff

Armored Bracer: Base Bracer + Iron block = Armor buff

Band of Force: Base Bracer + Iron ingot = Attack knockback buff

Bracer Armband 1

Bracer Armband 2

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Builders Wands

Builders Wands can be crafted to help players build large projects.  Players can can gain the ability to craft Builders Wands either through grinding for VIP or MVP Rank or by purchasing Legend or Titan ranks through our Store.

How to Craft Builders Wands

Basic Builders Wand

LEGEND:  (see image)
r=redstone, b= blaze rod, i=hot_iron_ingot x=empty

Builders Wand Basic Crafting

Advanced Builders Wand

LEGEND:   (see image)
p=piston, c=chest b= blaze rod, i=hot_iron_ingot, r=redstone, x=empty

Builders Wand Advanced Crafting

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Have you ever been out adventuring and needed a place to rest and heal?  Dotted around GamerCraft are Safe Zones where you will find a Healer, beds to refresh yourself, an Enchanting Table, Cauldron, a nice crackling campfire and best of all, where mobs do not spawn.

Safe Zones

Safe Zone Healer

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

About Diseases and Cures

Players can become infected with various diseases.  Interaction with surroundings can bring about infection and a player's temperature and sickness will go up as time passes causing various effects.  Effects are applied to a player as they get more unwell.  Some Diseases are Infectious and can spread to other players.  Players can to apply cures to other players.

Temperature Effects:

  • Heat - fatigue, confusion
    • Stay cool by wearing less in warm climates, sheltering indoors in desert sun, not holding hot items such as lava buckets, and going out at night.
  • Cold - increased chance of pneumonia, freezing slowness, blindness
    • Stay warm by wearing more clothes in the cold, lighting campfires, carrying hot items, staying out of water, and stay indoors during storms and at night.


  • Each time you contract a disease you build up an immunity to it.
  • When you catch a disease your immune system takes a hit so immunity for other diseases will decrease.
  • Death reduces your immunity.
  • Higher immunity reduces your chance of catching a disease.
  • 100% immunity will result in becoming immune to a disease.
  • Live in a cold climate such as the desert or in cold lands then your immunity will increase to any disease that is prevalent in that area until you are not affected anymore. As a player travels outside of their home area, you will still be affected by any diseases to which you have not built an immunity. Contracting the new diseases will effect your immune system even for the diseases you may be immune to.


To increase immunity to one particular disease you are able to craft curative potions you for that disease.  Players can use the cure on themselves or another player to increase the immunity level to that disease.





Plague Disease Info

Cure:  sugar + water_bottle

Plague Cure


ChickenPox Info

Cure: gunpowder + water_bottle

ChickenPox Cure

Swamp Fever

SwampFever Info

Cure:  brown_mushroom + water_bottle 

SwampFever Cure


Cholera Info

Cure:  glowstone_dust + water_bottle

Cholera Cure

Broken Leg

BrokenLeg Info

Cure: 6 sticks (stick stick air | stick stick air | stick stick air)

BrokenLeg Splint

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Players become thirsty through normal gameplay.  A player's thirst level is tracked by a bar at the top center of your screen.  Thirst can be quenched either with a water bottle or a boiled water bottle.

Thirst Bar

Thirst can be quenched either with a water bottle or a boiled water bottle.

Water Bottles give players 20% refreshment.

Boiled water bottles give players 25% refreshment.  You boil water in a normal furnace.

Boiled Water Bottle

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Player's endurance decreases through normal gameplay. 

Endurance Bar

A player's endurance is affected by:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Fighting
  • Flying in your claim or another player's claim.
  • Flying with elytra using rocket boosts
  • Falling
  • Crashing
  • Burning
  • etc.

How to control or recover your endurance:

  • Eating Glowberries - Halt endurance decrease for 10 seconds
  • Ride a horse, pig, camel, strider, broomstick, or pet dragon does not consume endurance.
  • Fly with elytra by gliding recovers endurance.

Endurance Bar Halt
          (image: Endurance bar halted by eating glowberries)

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago











Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

The Marketplace at Spawn features several shops.  Check them frequently for helpful items.

Note:  Server shop items, quantities, and prices are subject to change in order balance the server economy and make rarer items more available for players.


Server Shop

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Player Shop


Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Pendle (beta)

Java Only

Need a more laid-back game experience?  Pendle is made for you plus we toss in a little tech to shake things up a bit.

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Survivors Cavern (alpha)

Java and Bedrock

The world has suffered an apocalypse and you can only survive underground.  There are other dimensions, but the environment and its inhabitants are hostile.

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

One Block (coming soon)

Java and Bedrock

Do you love grinding?  This is the one for you!  Grind while hanging on by the skin of your teeth.  Don't fall, it's a long way down.

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

OneBlock Phases

Players are challenged with surviving by starting with just one block which changes each time it is mined/broken.  You have to make yourself a safe haven in a world whose resources are dependent on the one block.  Every time a player mines/breaks the block, the Phase will progress until you have mined enough to progress to a new Phase with different blocks.

Phases (coming soon)

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago

Realms (alpha)

Are you looking a Vanilla Survival Multi-Player (SMP) to play with a couple of friends?  Then Realms is perfect for you.

  • Play on on a Free 1,000 x 1,000 Overworld for all Ranks Member and up.
  • Realms Player Worlds will only be deleted if inactive for 60 days.
  • World size can be upgraded by:
    • Grinding for VIP Rank - Level 1 World Upgrade
    • Grinding for MVP Rank - Level 2 World Upgrade
    • Purchasing Legend Rank from our Store - Level 3 World Upgrade
    • Purchasing Titan Rank from our Store - Level 4 World Upgrade

▶️ World Upgrade Prices and Size information coming soon.

Last edited by PuppetMasterZee · 8 months ago


Java and Bedrock

This is the perfect place to work out ideas before building them on any of our survival servers, or just build for fun.  All Member rank players can claim up to four (4) plots.  See our Store for purchasable perks and Ranks that increase the number of plots a player can claim or gain world edit on our Creative server.

Creative Server

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